About Me

Hi! I am Marion Deacon and I have been a professional artist for many years. I simply adore painting and I create striking, abstract paintings that explore the beauty of our landscapes. My vibrant, colourful pieces express love and happiness. Did you know the mere act of viewing art can release dopamine and endorphins—the same chemical response as falling in love? Perhaps it’s time to release those feel-good hormones in your own space.
My paintings explore the subject of trees. Many of my paintings incorporates my quirky and uniquely honed style of painting trees – upside down!!! The multi-layered, mixed media abstract style engages your soul, heart and mind.
Please enjoy this video showing this fabulous technique...
I appreciate buying a piece of original art can be daunting so do not hesitate in getting in touch via the contact form, with any questions. I am happy to have a consultation call with you and to guide you through the process of choosing art work for your home.
Enjoy browsing and I am sure you will find something that is just right for you.
'I love them all. Your artwork is stunning. The colours and textures just jump out at me. beautiful'
'There is something energetic and exciting that I can feel from these paintings'
'Ooooo Marion Deacon I am loving those colours girl'
'I have just received the painting - excellent wrapping so all in one piece. I love the colours so much and am very pleased I decided to buy it.'
'Your work is mesmerizing'